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Butler Concierge Services

Amy Lambert, Executive Director

After ten years of practice and planning, Robin and Kate Butler decided to launch their new business, Butler Concierge Services, based out of Princeton, IL - and servicing clients throughout the Illinois Valley.

About ten years ago, Kate shared that she began to help an elderly couple in her area. She connected with the couple’s family members, and found that their goal was to maintain the couple’s independence in their home as long as possible, postponing the additional expenses and challenges that come with moving into an assisted living facility. Most of the tasks the couple needed assistance with were relatively simple, but important and meaningful - housekeeping, grocery shopping, and smaller tasks around the home. She ended up working with them for seven years, and was able to keep them safe and healthy in their home for that period of time!

Over that time, Kate also began to work more on her business model and plan for how she could make a career of this impactful work with her clients. While she has a degree in business and has experience in management, with the “concierge” concept being so new to the Illinois Valley region, she needed confirmation she was on the right track.

Kate shares, “I have held many management positions but I wanted the experience of owning my own business. The SBDC helped me organize my ideas and processes, to get the ideas out of my head and into a workable organized plan. The reassurance that SBDC offered, that I was on the right track, was very motivating.”

With the SBDC’s help, Kate and Robin are excited to continue to grow and expand their business to help many more senior citizens! Kate shares: “My immediate goal is to help individuals and seniors in our community, to be a resource for families and businesses in times of need, and to help them reduce the stress in their lives. My long term goal is to expand my service to other areas by creating a franchise, so others can have our Concierge model to serve their communities. “The need is great!”

In addition to housekeeping and grocery shopping, Butler Concierge Services also provides safety consultations, customized personal assistance to run errands including gift and grocery shopping, dry cleaning and pharmacy pick up, local and regional transportation to keep appointments, assistance in completing household tasks, and sorting, packing, and organizing to prepare seniors for a move.

Kate and Robin with Butler Concierge Services can be reached through their website at, or by phone at (815) 878-9006 or email at



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